Owari Hot Spring Tokai Center

Owari Hot Spring Tokai Center

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  • 彼が腕だけ入ってますが、こちらの情報で入れると思いましたが、男風呂内に、施設の人がいて身体を洗ってる最中、決まりで入れないので、少し温まったら出て下さいとの事でした。新しくなって無理みたいです。

    0 Report! 2023/4/24
  • Isn't it okay to find a place to put it in and take a bath legally?

    0 Report! 2021/1/16
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    Was a parent killed by a tattooed person? If you say something with your prejudice, I think that you have more common sense than you. In addition, since I'm looking for a place where I can take a bath with a tattoo to protect the manners, if I criticize it, various public baths will be ruined. I was so angry that I couldn't reach it, but I'm sorry to have a long sentence.

    13 Report! 2020/2/23
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    There is also a place to put it? You do n’t know, but you ’re a fool. Lol

    8 Report! 2019/11/1
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    If you care about putting it in, don't put it in it. I'm not gonna put it-it's a fool

    1 Report! 2019/7/11

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