Tsim Jilbang Spa Kobe
Hyogo Public: not allowed

Tsim Jilbang Spa Kobe

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    The following people please refrain from entering ※ The gangsters and related persons ※ There is a tattoo · tattoo (including paint · sticker) ※ people who conduct acts that cause other customers trouble ※ The following acts In the future, we will refuse admission to the hall at the discretion of the manager. ※ When acts contrary to laws and ordinances are carried out * When acts of violence, acts that harm good good sexual practices, or acts contrary to public order and morals are done * When conducting behaviors and actions that are troublesome to other customers

    0 Report! 2018/7/25
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    There was also written large at the entrance. It is also written on the official website. I can not get in. ‼

    0 Report! 2018/7/25

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